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College Accommodations for Neurodivergent Students
July 17, 2024 @ 1:00 pm - 4:30 pm
Moving on to college is a big transition — especially for students with ADHD who received IEP accommodations in high school because there are no IEPs in higher education. However, accommodations for academics and, in some cases, housing, may be available for neurodivergent college students.
This webinar will serve as a critical resource for parents and students seeking to understand the process of getting needed disability services in college. You will learn about:
- The disability laws and services that apply to neurodivergent college students
- The kinds of services, academic and beyond, that most colleges offer for neurodivergent students
- The responsibilities of college students in disclosing a disability to seek services
- The role and responsibilities of the Student Accessibility Services office
- The process of applying for disability services, including what documentation might be needed
NOTE: ADDitude offers an optional certificate of attendance to webinar participants, but does not offer CEU credits. The cost of the certificate of attendance option is $10. If interested, register for the webinar and you’ll receive instructions after it ends. The certificate link will also be on the webinar replay page after the live webinar. |