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How to Manage Executive Function and Working Memory Challenges: A Guide for Adults with ADHD
December 5, 2024 @ 1:00 pm - 4:00 pm
Executive function is a set of skills that allow people to plan for short- and long-term goals, make adjustments to meet those goals, manage time effectively, remember what they’ve heard and read, and exhibit self-control. In many people with ADHD, executive function doesn’t work as it should because the parts of the brain that control these skills are impacted by ADHD — but there are strategies you can employ to improve these skills.
In this webinar, you will learn:
- About the cognitive skills that define executive function
- About the brain-based mechanisms that cause many people with ADHD to have weak executive function skills
- How working memory difficulties can manifest in workplace settings, social interactions, and personal organization
- Whether these challenges evolve with age
- About practical strategies and interventions to enhance executive function and working memory
NOTE: ADDitude offers an optional certificate of attendance to webinar participants, but does not offer CEU credits. The cost of the certificate of attendance option is $10. If interested, register for the webinar and you’ll receive instructions after it ends. The certificate link will also be on the webinar replay page after the live webinar. |
Peg Dawson, Ed.D.
Peg Dawson, Ed.D., NCSP, worked as a school psychologist in Maine and New Hampshire, and recently retired after 30 years at the Center for Learning and Attention Disorders in Portsmouth, New Hampshire, where she specialized in the assessment of children and adults with learning and attention disorders. Along with her colleague, Dr. Richard Guare, she has authored many books on the topic of executive skills, including The Smart but Scattered Guide to Success, a book for adults who want to strengthen their executive skills. |
Struggling to keep track of tasks or organize your thoughts? You’re not alone. For adults with ADHD, working memory and executive function challenges can make daily life feel overwhelming. That’s where Inflow comes in. Our science-backed app offers targeted insights and brain hacks to strengthen your mental juggling skills and boost your ability to plan, prioritize, and follow through. Ready to unlock your brain’s full potential? Take our free quiz today and start your journey to better cognitive control. |
ADDitude thanks our sponsors for supporting our webinars. Sponsorship has no influence on speaker selection or webinar content. |